Museum Visits with BHD – Merry Christmas

Spend the holidays with Frost Science! The museum is open daily, including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. Extended holiday hours: We’re open until 7:30 p.m. from Wednesday, December 26 through Saturday, January 5. 

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The universe is astounding. We see science as a pathway to understand its wonder, to facing its challenges and navigating a sustainable future. Our vision is to create compelling STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) that inspires learning and innovation and enables people to explore real, rigorous science.

Go back in time and explore the amazing world of the dinosaur! Exhibits showcase how a paleontologist locates, preserves, excavates and transports dinosaur bones from the field to a research center. This exhibit includes dinosaur egg casts, claws and teeth. The specimens on display in this exhibit are on loan from the Broward College Graves Museum Collection.


Step into the mouth of a giant megalodon, an extinct species of shark that lived many millions of years ago, and live to tell the tale. Go 65 million years back in time and get a new perspective on Florida’s prehistoric past and how it was shaped by climate change and changes in sea levels. Become a fossil hunter and dig for fossilized shark teeth and an archelon, the largest turtle that ever existed. Get close to a confrontation between a saber-toothed cat and an Imperial Mammoth and learn how they came to live in ancient Florida. Dig through time in simulations that illustrate the amazing diversity of geology, flora and fauna that have populated Florida through eons of time.